

Aique Grupo Editor was founded at the start of the 1976 school year. With over forty years publishing quality pedagogic titles behind them, they define themselves as a press that creates and edits the best books for the development of citizens formed in solidarity with the world.

Their backlist includes over 400 textbooks, with many titles distinguished for their quality, such as Páginas para mí; they also count over sixty Children’s and Young Adult titles. Their Educator Training collection, with over 180 titles, responds to the practical needs of teachers, continuously learning and improving their vocation.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run

June 1975

Librería Losada

Main authors

Rebeca Anijovich

Bernardo Blejmar

Silvina Gvirtz

María Eugenia G. T. de Podestá

Melina Furman

Claudia Romero

Diana Jarvis

Most sold titles in past year

El cerebro que aprende, de María Eugenia De Podestá, Diego Golombek, Leonor Kibrik, Jason Beech y Facundo Manes

Las emociones en la escuela, de Sonia Williams de Fox

El rol del supervisor en la mejora escolar, de Silvina Gvirtz, María Eugenia De Podestá y otros

Estrategias de enseñanza, de Rebeca Anijovich y Silvia Mora

La educación ayer, hoy y mañana, de Silvina Gvirtz, Victoria Abregú y Silvia Marcela Grinberg


Featured titles

Pasito a paso 1 (Step by step 1)

Author: Daniela Liberman, Gabriela Augustowsky, Silvia Tabakman y Claudia David

Matemática 4. Nuevo el mundo en tus manos (Mathematics 4. A new world in your hands)

Author: Gustavo Barallobres y Silvia Chara

Nuestras historias: leyendas populares argentinas (Our stories: popular Argentinian legends)

Author: Beatriz Actis

Emociones, aprendizaje y el cerebro (Emotions, Learning, and the Brain)

Author: Mary Helen Immordino-Yang