Publisher of legal texts founded in 1987 by a group of enterprising individuals passionate about law and technology. Specializing in information services and quality up-to-date legal training for thousands of legal professionals. In 1997, Albremática S.A. launched, the country’s first online legal library. Since 2002, they’ve given courses in legal training, both online and in person. In 2010, they published their first printed book, titled Derecho Empresarial Moderno. In 2011, they ventured into the world of e-books, with the publication and sale of legal works in “digital ink” format. Pioneers in Latin America thanks to their constant technological innovation and updated editorial content.
Horacio Granero
Ricardo Porto
Pablo Frick
Juan Andonino Travieso
Lilia Devia
Germán Ciro Campi
E-mails, chats, mensajes de texto, facebook y dvd. Validez probatoria en el proceso civil, comercial, penal y laboral, de Horacio Granero y otros
Manual de concursos, quiebras y otros procesos liquidatorios, de Pablo Frick y otros
El derecho internacional público, de Juan Antonio Travieso
Avances del nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación en los aspectos ambientales, de Leila Devia y otros