Ampersand is an independent press dedicated to the discovery and publication of fundamental works in the field of social history of written culture, visual communication, and fashion. Our mission is to make available to Spanish readers the most representative works of foreign authors such as Martyn Lyons, Guglielmo Cavallo, Valerie Steele, Michael Baxandall. Additionally, we publish prestigious works by Argentinian researchers, such as Libros, lectores y sociabilidades de lectura, by Javier Planas, and Fantasmas del saber, by Noé Jitrik. Ampersand’s offices include a library specialized in written culture and a space dedicated to reading workshops.
Noé Jitrik
José Emilio Burucúa
Daniel Link
Guglielmo Cavallo
Martyn Lyons
Jean-Yves Mollier
Valerie Steele
Libros más vendidos en el último año:
Historia de las bibliotecas, de Frédéric Barbier
El arte de describir, de Svetlana Alpers
La otra cara de Jano, de José Luis de Diego