
Ediciones Biebel is a family-run press, founded in 2002. Although we started out with books related to psychoanalysis and social sciences, we’ve now broadened our catalogue to include themes related to mental health and humanities, mainly for the university, postgraduate, and professional levels. In 2012, we inaugurated a collection of texts on permaculture and environmental themes, and in 2016, we started the Inter-Peers Library, where we aim to collect titles on humanities and social sciences, maintaining the highest quality in our selection of authors and content. Our challenge for this year is the conversion of our titles to e-books.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run



Main authors

Gregorio Klimovsky

Nélida Álvarez

Ricardo Avenburg

Alcira Alizade

Rafael Paz

Luis J. Martín Cabré

Manfred Max Neef

Featured titles

En los desfiladeros de la psiquis. De vértigos y remansos en el campo transferencial (In the chasms of the psyche. On accelerations and pauses in the field of transference)

Author: Juan Gennaro

Conversando con los maestros (Conversing with the masters)

Author: Ricardo Avenburg

Liderazgo y poder en la institución psicoanalítica (Leadership and power in the institution of psychoanalysis)

Author: Oscar Elvira