Comiks Debris

Comiks Debris is a publishing initiative dedicated to the comic book that was founded in 2010. Their objective is to put out previously unpublished works and compilations of comic strips that have not been published in book form.

Up to now they’ve published seventeen titles for young readers in the “Toing!” collection and three titles in the “Los Especiales ¡Toing!” collection

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run

March 2010

Libros para ver Mundos S.R.L. en librerías, Plan T en comiquerías.

Main authors

Carlos Trillo


Leo Arias

J.J. Rovella

Diego Greco

Marko Torres

Fernando Calvi

Most sold titles in past year

La historietería, de Chanti

Historias delirantes, de Chanti

Elías y el perro de la esquina, de Leo Arias

Tiburcio en concierto, de Alejo Valdearena y Diego Greco

Featured titles

La historietería (The comic book shop)

Author: Chanti

Bosquenegro: esa cosa rara que cayó del cielo (Black forest: the strange thing that fell from the sky)

Author: Fernando Calvi

Tiburcio en concierto (Tiburcio in concert)

Author: Alejo Valdearena y Diego Greco

Superninja Kururo

Author: Marko Torres