Del sol

Ediciones del Sol is a small Argentinian press that publishes the most outstanding examples of indigenous literature from Argentina and the Americas, as well as anthologies of traditional songs, contributing to the creation of a school of thought situated in Argentina and Latin America. They publish Latin American literature, renowned travel chronicles, and novels written in faraway worlds. They aim to redefine the meaning of adventure as something that contributes to the essence of the human species. The press has a collection dedicated to the theoretical foundations of political anthropology, a discipline that is still in its early stages on our continent. A more recent collection proposes a deeper look at the culture of the original peoples of the Americas.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run

May 1995

Ediciones Colihue S.R.L.

Main authors

Adolfo Cáceres Romero

Pierre Clastres

Adolfo Colombres

Juan Draghi Lucero

Omar Lobos

Paulina Movsichoff

María Inés Palleiro

Most sold titles in past year

Pueblos originarios de América, de Susana Frank

La comida criolla, de Margarita Elichondo

Seres sobrenaturales de la cultura popular argentina, de Adolfo Colombres

Antropología de la globalización, de Marc Abeles

El corazón de las tinieblas, de Joseph Conrad


Featured titles

El mate

Author: Margarita Barretto

Hilo de oro, hilo de plata (Thread of gold, thread of silver)

Author: Paulina Movsichoff

Los mapuches

Author: Omar Lobos

Teoría transcultural del arte (Transcultural theory of art)

Author: Adolfo Colombres