

Press dedicated exclusively to contemporary Latin American non-fiction. Our catalogue includes the books No Leer, a collection of journalistic texts and literary criticism by the Chilean writer Alejandro Zambra; Prosa plebeya, reflections on politics and desire by Néstor Perlongher; Un libro quemado, a collection of chronicles and columns by Alfonsina Storni; Detrás de escena, anthology of critical essays in which eighteen actors, playwrights, and theatre directors reflect on their praxis; the expanded reedition of El nacimiento de la literatura argentina, by Carlos Gamerro, among other titles. The press has a strong commitment to aesthetics

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


en Argentina, Waldhuter.

Main authors


Néstor Perlongher

Alfonsina Storni

Hernán Ronsino

Félix Bruzzone

Carlos Gamerro

Diego Tatián

Most sold titles in past year

El nacimiento de la literatura argentina, de Carlos Gamerro

Notas de campo, de Hernán Ronsino


Featured titles

Una experiencia del mundo (An experience of the world)

Author: César Vallejo

Notas de campo (Field notes)

Author: Hernán Ronsino

La liberación de la mosca (The fly’s liberation)

Author: Luigi Amara

El visitante (The visitor)

Author: Sergio Chejfec