
Factotum Ediciones is an independent publishing house dedicated to quality literature from Argentina and Latin America, founded by writer and bookseller Andrea Stefanoni in 2009. In 2015, Factotum got a new start at the hand of Guido Indij, their new editorial director. Their objective is to grow the press through new projects and a broader reach and scope for their titles and collections. Factotum proposes a universe of stories that reflect our lives or invite us to peer into other worlds that are foreign yet similar. Books that open doors to eroticism, violence, love, family relationships, humor, and despair. The Fictio collection has published nine titles, including several reeditions, and plans for important new releases.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


Distribuidora Asunto Impreso

Main authors

Luis Mey

Martín Felipe Castagnet

Broemmel y Castagna

Marcelo Guerrieri

Mariano Quirós

Luciano Lutereau

Gustavo Escanla

Most sold titles in past year

Las garras del niño inútil, de Luis Mey

Farmacia, de Marcelo Guerrieri

Los abandonados, de Luis Mey

La luz mala dentro de mí, de Mariano Quirós

Los cuerpos del verano, de Martín Felipe Castagnet

Featured titles

La luz mala dentro de mí (The bad light inside me)

Author: Mariano Quirós

A morir (To die)

Author: Broemmel & Castagna

Los abandonados (The abandoned)

Author: Luis Mey

Farmacia (Pharmacy)

Author: Marcelo Guerrieri