
Fiordo was founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2012. From the outset, their main objective has been to broaden the spectrum of foreign narrative and non-fiction available in Spanish, and to spark a dialog between texts written in Spanish and texts originally published in other languages. The press aims to produce high-quality translations and a carefully curated selection of texts by Latin American authors. Fiordo distributes its books in Argentina, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, and Central America. Additionally, all of their titles can be purchased through their website, 

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run

August 2012


Main authors

John Williams

Shirley Jackson

Anne Carson

Mike Wilson

Sara Gallardo

Iain Sinclair

Louis Marin

Most sold titles in past year

Stoner, de John Williams

Pantalones azules, de Sara Gallardo

Leñador, de Mike Wilson

Eros el dulce-amargo, de Anne Carson

La portadora del cielo, de Rikka Pelo

Featured titles


Author: John Williams

El lugar donde mueren los pájaros (The place where the birds die)

Author: Tomás Downey

Los ríos perdidos de Londres y El sublime topográfico (The lost rivers of London and The topographic sublime)

Author: Iain Sinclair

El reloj de sol (The Sundial)

Author: Shirley Jackson