Fondo de cultura económica de Argentina

Fondo de Cultura Económica is an institution of the Mexican National Government which publishes, sells, and promotes works of Mexican, Spanish American, and universal culture. For over half a century the Argentinian branch of FCE has promoted Mexican culture and thought in the areas of academics and education through the work of the most prominent writers published in Mexico. Starting in the mid-1990s, the Argentinian branch of FCE initiated an editorial program which alternates works by top Argentine authors and translated titles, contributing to the richness of their global catalogue. In this way, the press’s Argentine affiliate has become one of the country’s primary publishers of Social and Human Sciences.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


propia en la Argentina. En el resto de los países cada filial.

Main authors

Octavio Paz

Carlos Fuentes

José Luis Romero

Zygmunt Bauman

Michel Foucault

Aldo Ferrer

Elisabeth Roudinesco

Most sold titles in past year

Secreto de familia, de Isol

Intercambio cultural, de Isol

Las enseñanzas de Don Juan (nueva edición), de Carlos Castaneda

El día que los crayones renunciaron, de Drew Daywalt y Oliver Jeffers

Abecedario hecho a mano, de Isol

Featured titles

El burgués. Entre la historia y la literature (The bourgeois. Between history and literature)

Author: Franco Moretti

Abril. Un editor italiano en Buenos Aires, de Perón a Videla (Abril, an Italian publisher in Buenos Aires, from Perón to Videla)

Author: Eugenia Scarzanella

En breve cárcel (Prison soon)

Author: Sylvia Molloy

Tiempo del corazón. Correspondencia (Time of the heart. Correspondence)

Author: Ingeborg Bachmann y Paul Celan