
Founded in 1967, Galerna is the third oldest publishing house in Argentina. They have published prominent writers such as Enrique Medina, Abelardo Castillo, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Juan José Saer and Héctor Tizón. Currently, they have three active collections: “Contemporary Narrative” focuses on Argentine authors, both the young and consecrated. “Galerna Essay” covers the fields of politics, literary criticism, philosophy, and gender studies. Lastly, “The Philosophical Revolt,” directed by Lucas Soares, is a collection dedicated to promoting the work of philosophers who have broadened the horizons of the field. Each volume is edited by a top Argentinian academic. Additionally, they publish translations of international literary classics.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run



Main authors

Sylvia Iparraguirre

Leticia Martin

José Luis Espert

Fabio Lacolla

Patricia Suárez

Adriana Puiggrós

Mariana Enriquez

Most sold titles in past year

Es el peronismo, estúpido, de Fernando Iglesias

Bajar es lo peor, de Mariana Enríquez

Alguien camina sobre tu tumba, de Mariana Enríquez

Estrógenos, de Leticia Martin

Epicuro, de Esteban Bieda

Featured titles

La Argentina devorada (Argentina devoured)

Author: José Luis Espert

Estrógenos (Estrogens)

Author: Leticia Martin

Estar en banda (Being a band)

Author: Fabio Lacolla


Author: Axel Cherniavsky (estudio preliminar y selección de textos)