Gradifco was founded in 1999, initially dedicated to the importation and sales of books for the domestic market. In 2002, we began publishing our own titles, mainly international literary classics for younger audiences. We strive to be the company of reference for consultation and acquisition of reading material for schools, libraries, and academic co-ops. We’ve recently entered the international market; our experience in Argentina has inspired us to expand our horizons and aim for international growth. Gradifco S.R.L., a new way of approaching books for young readers.
Ana Frank
Horacio Quiroga
José Hernández
Jane Austen
Oscar Wilde
Diario, de Ana Frank
Cuentos de la selva, de Horacio Quiroga
Martín Fierro, de José Hernández
Orgullo y prejuicio, de Jane Austen
El fantasma de Canterville, de Oscar Wilde