
Huaca Ediciones is a press for kids that produces fun, unique books that can be used as a complement to formal education. In our “Dale al parche” collection, the interactive stories have exercises that stimulate fine motor skills in younger children and inspire imagination, reading comprehension, and creative writing in older readers, as they practice concepts such as nouns, adjectives, and verbs. In the collection “The Lopez Strujen Family,” the characters branch off from their family tree and we learn about their lives, as different as their stories and their ways of telling them. In the collection “Stories of . . .” we encounter an unlimited world of travel and exotic animals, of real and imagined lives.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
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Propia y Distribuidora Alberto Luongo, Casassa y Lorenzo Libreros, El Libro de arena, SBS.

Main authors

Fabián Sevilla

Adela Basch

Graciela Repún

Florencia Esses

Most sold titles in past year

Fabián Sevilla, Adela Basch, Graciela Repún, Florencia Esses.

Featured titles

La admirable, estrambótica y delirante bañera globonáutica. A partir de 10 años (The admirable, outlandish, and delirious globetrotting bathtub. For ages 10 and up)

Author: Fabián Sevilla y Hernán Cucho Cuño (ilustrador)

Sofranka y el ojo del faraón tuerto. A partir de 10 años (Sofranka and the one-eyed pharaoh. For ages 10 and up)

Author: Fabián Sevilla y Hernán Cucho Cuño (ilustrador)

No hagas trato con un chancho y otros cuentos populares argentinos con animales. A partir de 9 años (Don’t make a deal with a swine and other popular Argentine tales with animals. For ages 9 and up)

Author: Fabián Sevilla y Hernán Cucho Cuño(ilustrador)

¡Tiene coronita! Cuentos de príncipes y princesas. A partir de 6 años (They have the crown! Stories of princes and princesses. For ages 6 and up)

Author: Adela Basch y Fabiana Margolis