
Hydra is a young Argentinian press based in Buenos Aires, founded by a group of professors and graduates from the University of Buenos Aires College of Philosophy and History. The press publishes works of political ideology, viewed through diverse perspectives from the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. Their main objective is to contribute to the discussion on current political and cultural issues. Hydra aims to analyze questions related to the contemporary notion of the State and politics. Classic and modern authors alike contribute to this dialogue.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


Distribuidora Waldhuter en Argentina, Chile y México. Distribuidora Siglo del Hombre en Colombia.

Main authors

Carl Schmitt

Reinhart Koselleck

Eric Voegelin

Thomas Hobbes

Ernest Renan

Domingo F. Sarmiento

Juan B. Alberdi

Most sold titles in past year

La tiranía de los valores, de Carl Schmitt

Habitar el Estado. Pensamiento estatal en tiempos a-estatales, de Sebastián Abad and Mariana Cantarelli

La guerra y la gracia. Escritos sobre Nietzsche, de Eric Voegelin

Featured titles

La revolución legal mundial (The global legal revolution)

Author: Carl Schmitt

Habitar el Estado. Pensamiento estatal en tiempos a-estatales (Inhabiting the State. Thinking about the State in times of no State)

Author: Sebastián Abad y Mariana Cantarelli

La tiranía de los valores (The tyranny of values)

Author: Carl Schmitt

La guerra y la gracia. Escritos sobre Nietzsche (War and grace. Writings on Nietzsche)

Author: Eric Voegelin