
Founded by a physicist and a biologist, Ediciones Iamiqué is dedicated exclusively to the production of informational books for children. Their original and reliable content has earned them a reputation for innovation and creativity. Their titles are exported to almost all of Latin America and have been included in national reading programs in Mexico, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Uruguay, and Argentina. Additionally, several of their books have received important prizes and recognitions both nationally and internationally and have been translated to Korean, Chinese, English, Romanian, Italian, Turkish, and Portuguese.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


Propia en Argentina, Editorial Zig-Zag en Chile, Babel Libros en Colombia, Grupo Amanuense en Guatemala.

Main authors

Carla Baredes

Valeria Edelsztein

Ileana Lotersztain

Mariano Ribas

Juan Sabia

Most sold titles in past year

Mundo cruel. Ellen Duthie

Ciencia para pasar el invierno. Valeria Edelsztein

Asquerosología del cerebro a las tripas. Sylvia Branzei yJack Keely

Química hasta en la sopa. Ileana Lotersztain y Silvana Fucito

Guía turística del Sistema Solar. Carla Baredes, Javier Basile y Mariano Rivas

Featured titles

Matemática hasta en la sopa (Math even in your soup)

Author: Juan Sabia

Ciencia para pasar la primavera (Springtime science)

Author: Valeria Edelsztein

Ecología del 1 al 10 (Ecology from 1 to 10)

Author: Mariela Kogan

De familia en familia (From family to family)

Author: José Nesis y Paula Szuster