Project inspired by the Socialist Worker’s Party, part of the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores. We specialize in the production and distribution of works of Marxist thinking, contributing to the development of militant Marxism, and working to disperse the ideas of revolutionary Socialism. We began in 1998, when the Leon Trotsky Center for Research and Investigation was founded. In 2005, we founded Instituto del Pensamiento Socialista Karl Marx. Since 2012 we’ve co-published the “Selected Works of Leon Trotsky” collection along with Museo Casa de León Trotsky of Mexico, and with the support of Esteban Volkov, Trotsky’s grandson. We are also dedicated to the publication of works by other Marxist authors.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run



Main authors

Leon Trotsky

Karl Marx


Kate Evans

Alicia Rojo

Esteban Mercatante

Juan Dal Maso

Most sold titles in past year

La Rosa Roja, de Kate Evans

El encuentro de Breton y Trotsky en México, de André Breton, León Trotsky y otros

El marxismo de Gramsci, de Juan Dal Maso

Mi vida, de León Trotsky

La fuerza de los fuertes y otros cuentos, de Jack London

Featured titles

La Rosa Roja (Red Rosa)

Author: Kate Evans

El Programa de Transición y la fundación de la IV Internacional (The Transition Program and the foundation of the Fourth International)

Author: León Trotsky

El marxismo de Gramsci (Gramsci’s Marxism)

Author: Juan Dal Maso

Cien años de historia obrera en la Argentina (1870-1969) (One hundred years of worker’s history in Argentina ((1870-1969)))

Author: Alicia Rojo, Diego Lotito, Josefina Luzuriaga, Walter Moretti