La marca

Behind our catalogue are many faces. An independent press is the publisher’s vision plus the hard work of many others: artists, poets, writers, photographers, translators, designers, illustrators, proofreaders, printers, machinists, binders, marketers, and booksellers. Our catalogue is a souvenir from the road we’ve traveled together for almost twenty years. Because publishing is not an odyssey, but it is a journey. A catalogue then, is the travel log of ideas that other editors haven’t imagined or refused to take a risk on, it’s a certificate of merit that allows us to continue down our path. Because publishing is not just selling books, it’s continuing our journey.  

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


Distribuidora Asunto Impreso

Main authors

Philippe Dubois

Marshall McLuhan

Alejandro Eduardo Fiadone

Walter Benjamin

Marcos López

Guido Indij

Carlos Higuera

Most sold titles in past year

Guitarra Negra, de Luis Alberto Spinetta

Perón mediante, de Daniel Santoro

Estética de la imagen, de Walter Benjamin

Sonido y sentido, de José Miguel Wisnik

Acto fotográfico y otros ensayos, de Philippe Dubois

Featured titles

Pop latino plus (Latino pop plus)

Author: Marcos López

Proyecto RE. Cuando los objetos se reinventan (Project RE. When objects are reinvented)

Author: Andy Marquine

Clic! Fotografía y Sociedad (Click! Photography and society)

Author: Guido Indij y Ana Silva (comp.)

El oso (The bear)

Author: Moris