
Our catalogue includes collections and titles specialized in education, children’s and young adult literature, social sciences, psychology and psychoanalysis, and disability and collective health. Many of our books are directed at teachers, education professionals, and university students and are required reading material for several courses. Our authors have extensive professional and academic experience and are known both at the national and international levels. Our press has a broad reach across Argentina and Latin America and our books can be found in Spain and the United States as well. Libraries and governmental and educational institutions from several countries have acquired our books for cultural initiatives, reading programs, and educational projects.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
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propia en varias zonas; y Alberto Luongo en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Axolotl Libros en México, Plaza y Janés en Colombia, Librería Internacional en Chile,

Most sold titles in past year

Test de la persona bajo la lluvia, de María Inés Chávez Paz y Silvia Querol

El Apego. Clínica, investigación y teoría, de Inés Di Bártolo

Una introducción a Lacan, de Rynti D’Angelo, Eduardo Carbajal y Alberto Marchilli

Señales de vida. Una bitácora de escuela, de Teresa Punta

Formado al líder de un equipo, de Marcelo Roffé y Sebastián Riccardi

Featured titles

Padres e hijos… el poder de enfermar al otro. Curar desde la vivencia (Parents and children . . . the power to influence the other. Curing through life experience)

Author: Eva Rotenberg (comp.)

Formando al líder de un equipo (Forming the team leader)

Author: Marcelo Roffé y Sebastián Riccardi

Futuro, familia y discapacidad (Future, family, and disability)

Author: Blanca Núñez, Stella Caniza de Páez y Beatriz Pérez

Una historia social de la comida (A social history of food)

Author: Patricia Aguirre