Noveduc / Novedades Educativas

Noveduc Libros publishes content located at the intersection of education and other disciplines: psychology, educational psychology, pediatrics, anthropology, and social work, among others. Theoretical and practical books on pedagogy and didactics, education for educators, children’s philosophy, continuing education, and learning material. Our principal collections are: “Zero to Five,” education for the first years, directed at elementary level teachers; “Essays and Experiences,” directed at institutional consultants, organizers, and tutors; “Learning Library,” resources for elementary and middle grade teachers; and “Conjunctions,” directed at health professionals, educational psychologists, and counselors.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run

July 1994


Main authors

Ruth Harf

Eva Giberti

Claudia Messing

Beatriz Janin

Carlos Skliar

Daniel Brailovsky

Juan Vasen

Most sold titles in past year

Pedagogías de las Diferencias. Notas, fragmentos, incertidumbres, de Carlos Skliar

Didáctica del nivel inicial en clave pedagógica, de Daniel Brailovfsky

Educar con coraje. Acerca de la gestión, la didáctica y el juego, de Ruth Harf

Dislexia y dificultades de aprendizaje. Aportes desde la clínica y la educación, de Beatriz Janin, Juan Vasen, Carmen A. Fusca (comp.)

Jugar en la primera infancia. Proyectos institucionales en contextos diversos, de Sergio Fajn (comp.)

Featured titles

Pedagogy of differences. Notes, fragments, uncertainties

Author: Dr. Carlos Skliar

What do children today feel and think? Resources for raising, educating, and treating children and adolescents

Author: Lic. Claudia Messing

Pedagogical didactics for the elementary level

Author: Dr. Daniel Brailovsky

Psychological suffering in children. Children’s psychopathology and subjective constitution

Author: Lic. Beatriz Janin