
We are an independent press that publishes illustrated books, a place where fiction, poetry and science propose new ways of exploring our identity. The themes that give life to our books open doors, for example, to the towns of Latin America. Through new perspectives they invite us to share a story in the Aymara language, to be surprised by an illustrated Cortázar text, or to travel the country alongside native species of animals. A huemul, a Mapuche song, or a poetic question posed by Neruda, are, among other things, our motors of inspiration. Our objective is to expand limits, multiply perspectives, and deepen the senses, through books with high aesthetic value that can be prized by readers of all ages.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run

November 2008


Main authors

Julio Cortázar

Pablo Neruda

Gabriel Pacheco

María José Ferrada

Didi Grau

Fernando Novas

Most sold titles in past year

Animales Argentinos, de Loreto Salinas, Paula Fernández y Marcela López

El valiente Juan sin diente, de Nicolás Schuff y Paula Fernández

Malena vuela de Norte a Sur, de Paula Fernández

A mover los pies, de Didi Grau

Featured titles

No, no y no (No, no and no)

Author: Julio Cortázar y Gabriel Pacheco

Animales argentinos (Argentine animals)

Author: Loreto Salinas, Paula Fernández y Marcela López

Rueda ovillo de lana (Roll the ball of yarn)

Author: Didi Grau y Natalia Colombo

Geografía de máquinas que no sabemos si se construyeron (Geography of machines that were never built)

Author: M. José Ferrada y Fito Holloway