Pequeño editor

Pequeño Editor is a press founded by authors from the world of literature, illustration, and design. Their books are directed at children and adults, proposing new rules of the game that increase the reader’s opportunities for play.

Picture books, books for beginning readers, challenging literary texts, books that cross the threshold of genres and new perspectives on common themes have always formed part of this catalogue that prizes innovation and visual impact.

In 2015 Pequeño Editor was selected as Best Children’s Press in Latin America at the Bologna International Book Fair. Presses in France, Brazil, Japan, Korea, and Canada have published our books in their countries.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run



Main authors

Diego Bianki

Ruth Kaufman



Cristian Turdera

Elenio Pico

Mario Méndez

Most sold titles in past year

Abecedario, de Ruth Kaufman, de Raquel Franco y Diego Bianki

Por qué los elefantes prefieren jugar a la mancha, de Silvina Rocha y Mey!

La luna está llena, de Diego Bianki

Quiero ser un dinosaurio, de Fita Frattini

¿Qué crees tú que puedes hacer en mi circo?, de Georgina Rôo y Maximiliano Luchini

Featured titles

Abecedario (Alphabet book)

Author: Ruth Kaufman, Raquel Franco y Diego Bianki

Rompecabezas (Brain teasers)

Author: Diego Bianki

Con la cabeza en las nubes (With a head in the clouds)

Author: Ruth Kaufman, Raquel Franco y Diego Bianki

El secreto de Borges (Borges’s secret)

Author: Matías Alinovi y Diego Alterleib