
We’re a publishing house dedicated to illustrated children’s and young adult literature. Each of our books has a strong focus on design to first attract the child through pictures and later introduce them to the prose. We work with an interactive generation of kids and adolescents and aim for our books’ illustrations to serve as the “hook” to draw new readers to the introspection of literature.

“Reading child, thinking adult” is the phrase that summarizes our main objective: to foster reading in children from early childhood, to build their intellectual capacities and invite them into a world capable of transforming, a world with a better future.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run



Main authors

Liliana Cinetto

Adela Basch

Luciano Saracino

Sergio De Giorgi

Alejandro O ́Kif

Verónica Álvarez Rivera

Most sold titles in past year

Caperucita rebelde (con causa), de Verónica Álvarez Rivera y Pablo Pino

El monstruo de las pesadillas, de Liliana Cinetto y Pablo Pino

La pulga despistada, de Liliana Cinetto y Damián Zain

Milo, el gato malo, de Sergio De Girogi y Poly Bernatene

La criatura horripilante de la laguna gigante, de Adela Basch y Alejandro O´Kif

Featured titles


Author: Patricia Iglesias Torres y Alejandro O ́kif

Jump, jump, frog prince

Author: Carolina Tosi y Damián Zaín

A star for Margarita

Author: Patricia Iglesias Torres y Alejandro O ́kif

Puss in flip-flops

Author: Verónica Álvarez Rivera y Pablo Pino