
Salim Ediciones was born out of the extensive work done by Distribuidora Alberto Luongo S.A. The editorial objectives consist of an ambitious plan that includes the publication of universal classics, through the “Grand Reading” collection, and contemporary works by renowned authors and novels in the “Amaranta” collection. Additionally, they count the collections “Slippers,” “Picture Books,” “Drawing,” “Tracing,” “Epilogue,” “Cata and Zeo,” “Journal of the Past,” “Super Macabre,” and “Connections and Anthologies.” The press is currently expanding thanks to an excellent reception of its books in schools, bookstores, and by readers. Our books combine quality editing, aesthetic, and content to help our readers learn, have fun, and expand their imagination.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


Distribuidora Alberto Luongo S.A.

Main authors

Gray Miranda

Doreen Virtue


Claudio Naranjo

Clarice Lispector

Jostein Gaarder

Italo Calvino

Most sold titles in past year

Vivir en el alma, de Joan Garriga Bacardi (coedición)

Libro completo de Reiki, de José María Jiménez Solana (coedición)

Luna roja, de Miranda Gray (coedición)

Dónde están las monedas, de Joan Garriga Bacardi (coedición)

El mundo de Sofía, de Jostein Gaarder (coedición)

Featured titles

Los infernales de Güemes (Güemes and his infernals)

Author: Fabián Sevilla y Ariel Sevilla

Algoritmo prohibido (Forbidden algorithm)

Author: Leo Batic

Muertos vivos (Living dead)

Author: Edgar Allan Poe, Eduardo Wilde, Leopoldo Lugones, Anton Chéjov, Horacio Quiroga, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Virginia Woolf, Franco Vaccarini.

Cuidado con los objetos mágicos (Watch out for magical objects)

Author: John Polidori, Theóphile Gautier, E.T.A. Hoffman, Rudyard Kipling, Horacio Quiroga y Jack London