
Publishing academic books has become a true challenge. Considerable delays in selection and implementation of projects are compounded with the problem of elevated costs of traditional printing, based on large print runs. As a result, research of great value often goes unpublished and therefore remains inaccessible to the greater scientific community. In order to overcome these challenges, Teseo has implemented its own system to digitally publish both physical and electronic books. Through their agile and dynamic publication process, they are able to offer an exclusive catalogue of academic titles distributed upon request (in paper or e-book) and they have gained a respected position in a market dominated by traditional presses.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


Propia, Hernández, Amazon

Main authors

José Carlos Chiaramonte

Mario Lattuada

Daniel Heymann

Eduardo José Míguez

Beatriz Curia

Francisco Rojas Aravena

Alberto L Bialakowsky

Most sold titles in past year

Si quieres ver, aprende a actuar, de Marcelo R. Ceberio y Paul Watzlawick

Mirada (de) uniforme, Diego Galeano y Gregorio Kaminsky (Coordinadores)

Huellas y recorridos de una utopía, de Fernanda Elisa Bravo Herrera

Por una historia ambiental de Latinoamérica, de Adrián G. Zarrilli, Carlos Reboratti, Guillermo Castro Herrera y otros


José Carlos Chiaramonte, Mario Lattuada, Daniel Heymann, Eduardo José Míguez, Beatriz Curia, Francisco Rojas Aravena, Alberto L. Bialakowsky.

Featured titles

Fundamentos intelectuales y políticos de las independencias. Notas para una nueva historia intelectual de Iberoamérica (Intellectual fundaments and the politics of independence. Notes for a new intellectual history of Spanish America)

Author: Mariana Sirimarco (comp.)

América Latina y el Caribe: Desarrollo, migración y remesas (Latin America and the Caribbean: development, migration, and remittances)

Author: Manuel Orozco

Economía de fronteras abiertas. Exploraciones en sistemas sociales complejos (Economy of open borders. An exploration of complex social systems)

Author: Daniel Heymann, Roberto Perazzo y Martín Zimmermann

Estudiar la policía. La mirada de las ciencias sociales sobre la institución policial (Studying the police. A Social Sciences perspective on the police force as an institution) Author: Mariana Sirimarco (ed.)

Author: Mariana Sirimarco (comp.)