UNIPE Editorial Universitaria, the press of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, set out to construct a substantial catalogue for the integral formation of teachers, researchers, and readers interested in current and historic issues in the field of education in particular and in sciences and humanities in general. They publish the collections: “Ideas in Argentine education,” “Ideas in Latin American education,” “Boris Spivacow,” “Contemporary Thinking,” “Investigations,” “Tools,” “Educational policies,” “Mihi quaestio factus sum,” and “History of the Province of Buenos Aires.” Additionally, they publish the series Discussion notes, Work notes, and Research notes, the virtual magazine Tema (uno) and the supplement “La educación en debate” in the monthly Le monde diplomatique.
Nikolas Rose
Edgardo Castro
Gabriel Kessler
Berta P de Braslavsky
Domingo F. Sarmiento
Emilio F. Mignone.
Políticas de la vida: Biomedicina, poder y subjetividad, de Nikolas Rose
La muerte del pibe Oscar, de Luis C. Villamayor
Ideas en la educación latinoamericana. Un balance historiográfico, de Nicolás Arata y Myriam Southwell (comps.)
La querella de los métodos en la enseñanza de la lectura. Sus fundamentos psicológicos y la renovación actual, de Berta P. de Braslavsky
Lecturas foucaulteanas: una historia conceptual de la biopolítica, de Edgardo Castro.