Dobra robota

Dobra Robota Editora was born in 2015 with the idea of publishing Polish literature in Argentina. Currently, it isn’t easy to access classic or contemporary Polish literature without purchasing editions from Spain, which means higher prices for Argentine readers. Additionally, translations aimed at the Iberian Spanish market do not reflect Argentinian forms of expression. Therefore, we produce new translations, more in line with our local dialect. We’ve also created a music-themed collection that will include essays, rediscovered or lateral texts, music theory, and biographies. Although the two collections may seem very dissimilar, they’re connected through the history of the press.

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run


distribuidoras Waldhuter y La Coop

Main authors

Bruno Schulz

Stanisław Witkiewicz

Deborah Curtis

Most sold titles in past year

Las tiendas de color canela, de Bruno Schulz

Sanatorio La Clepsidra, de Bruno Schulz

Touching from a Distance, de Deborah Curtis

Featured titles

The cinnamon-colored shops

Author: Bruno Schulz

Them / Untitled work

Author: Stanisław Witkiewicz

Clepsidra Hospital

Author: Bruno Schulz

Touching from a Distance. Ian Curtis and Joy Division

Author: Deborah Curtis