

Parábola is a press created and run by writers, who know the editorial process in terms of content and aesthetic. They publish novels, stories, poetry, and non-fiction. Two years ago, they also began to developing editions for children and young adults. Parábola hopes to create a space for new writers and illustrators, producing books of excellent content and aesthetic quality. It’s the first and only editorial to dedicate a collection to the issue of gluten intolerance

Published titles
Active titles
Published titles in 2016
Average print run



Main authors

Hernán Rapela

Clara Langerman

Eduardo Cueto Rúa

Laura Schers

Miryam Vittori

Most sold titles in past year

Nuestros discos queridos R.P.M. Compendio musical de los argentinos, de Hernán Rapela

Celiaquía, un modo de ser I, de Dr. Eduardo Cueto Rúa

Celiaquía, un modo de ser II, de Dr. Eduardo Cueto Rúa

Causa, casos y cosas, de Dr. Eduardo Cueto Rúa

Celíacos, libres y plenos, de Dr. Eduardo Cueto Rúa

Recetas express para celíacos, de Miryam Vittori

A jugar y cocinar sin gluten, de Laura Schers

Featured titles

A jugar y cocinar sin gluten (Playing and cooking gluten free)

Author: Laura Schers

Celíacos sanos, plenos y libres (Healthy, full, and gluten free)

Author: Eduardo Ángel Cueto Rúa

Nuestros discos queridos R.P.M - Compendio musical de los argentinos (Our beloved records R.P.M—Argentine musical compendium)

Author: Hernán Raplea

Surcos de amor (Love lines)

Author: M. Flavia Díaz Nóblega y Gustavo A. Díaz Nóblega